Never the less, every so often somebody will insist the technology does exist and it’s the insisting that really grinds my gears. As if I, my attorneys, investors, and advisors didn’t do any front end due diligence. Put your iPhone back in your pocket listen you dumb condescending __________ (fill in blank with your preferred adjective).
Delve into the fascinating journey of microchips beyond their usage in our explorative article.

If you read “1984”, this type of easily persuaded thinking was a reoccurring theme Orwell placed throughout the book. Today we call it fake news. The topics and sources of which differ, but the main point to take away is that many accept what is completely false as truth.
As a founder of a StartUp, I find this to be particularly annoying. It is often suggested that we invent an implantable microchip with GPS and it’s a great idea, but unfortunately totally not feasible at this time.
It’s one thing when an online retailer sells RFID microchips and GPS collars, for example and their site ranks high in search, but when one puts out a totally fabricated news story as a deliberate attempt to game a crowdfunding campaign to rip people off it’s a crime.
You can read all about that here.
GPS relies on an external power source to work.
GPS collars, for example, are great. The only draw back is that they require a rechargeable battery. Further, GPS chips themselves (at time of writing) are much too large to be implanted in an elephant let alone a small kitten without killing it.
Would an implantable microchip with GPS be great if it could work for pets?
I think that it would. Nevertheless, it would be contested by many and ultimately a bad business decision. A major impetus, first off, would be cost. The back log inventory would be prohibitively expensive due to the basic structure of a GPS chip. Further, the process of implantation due to size would be a more expensive and invasive surgical procedure, opposed to the way RFID microchips are implanted with a syringe and no more evasive than a routine vaccination.
Other reasons include fear over a big brother situation or even worse, the mark of the beast.
Either way- good, bad, or indifferent, until it’s perfected GPS stays on the collar.
Pets don’t have fingerprints, so microchips are absolutely necessary as they serve as the only permanent form of identification for pets. Humans, on the other hand, do have fingerprints so implanting a human with a microchip is absolutely unnecessary and serves no purpose.
Never the less, a company in Wisconsin called three square market has been getting national attention lately for microchipping their employees and the company’s CEO, Todd Westby was on CNBC the other day to talk about it. He said 92 employees were implanted with “rice sized microchips” for the fun of it. They can now scan their microchips to gain access into the building his offices are in, log into the company’s computer system, and process payments.
The CEO then went on to say his company is making implanting humans with microchips acceptable by bringing it to the forefront by getting people talking about it. That much is true. People are talking about it because they are hysterical and this makes it a newsworthy story, but the paranoia is unnecessary as it is based on additional claims of his that are total bullshit such as the company’s current development of an implantable GPS microchip powered by body heat and another with voice recognition. Anyone that understands this technology, however, can contest this, but those that don’t find it truly terrifying.
I first learned about this company while watching Bill Burr and Jim Jeffries ranting about it one day on comedy central. Bill Burr rants about how the revolutionary war would have never happened if George Washington had a microchip because the British would have found him, the war would have never started and the US would never be a country.
To my dismay when doing a search on this outfit, I found Peeva mentioned in many of the same sources. These concerns of the general public also go against the grain of everything we stand for as a company. Our mission is to find missing pets – not invade personal liberties. Privacy is very important to us. Concerns over privacy, tracking, and big brother are all indeed something we should be concerned about with other technologies, but rest assured, anyone that understands RFID and microchip technology can contest that this is nothing to worry about.
Microchips are not GPS or tracking devices
Microchips are small RFID implants “about the size of a grain of rice” that store no information other than a (sometimes unique) code that is read when a scanner is waved over it. That is if the reader can read that brand of microchip. That code then corresponds to a private and secure database.
A GPS chip on the other hand (not to be confused with a microchip) is much too large to be implanted into an elephant- let alone a small kitten and it requires an EXTERNAL power source or piezoelectric nanogenerator technology activated by kinetic energy to work- however, neither of which are small enough to be implanted into any living thing. Further, anything implanted into the body of a dog, cat or human has to get FDA approval- which takes years, millions of dollars, and real scientists to develop. It would also be contested by many.
Unless this outfit is taking a publish then filter approach to generate buzz in an effort to get funding from a half wit VC firm to then figure out it will not work… then well, I can’t think of any other reason?
What’s the point?
These “conveniences” Westby boasts about are nothing new and have been readily available already with biometric fingerprint scanning technology for years. Most smartphones, for example, now come equipped with a biometric fingerprint scan option to use instead of a password, Bloomberg LP has required a biometric fingerprint scanner via the (B-UNIT) to log into Bloomberg to prevent password sharing for well over a decade, and law enforcement has been dusting for fingerprints for god only knows how long? And most smartphones now come equipped with a biometric fingerprint scan option to use instead of a password.
Perhaps this company developed a new economic system that nobody know about? Does it link to paypal or apple pay? I haven’t heard anything of the sort, but I would be interested in seeing a demo of how it works. (sarcasm).
The inarticulate Westby then went on to babble, “Amazon just hired a top notch doctor and Walmart is looking into patents on stuff.” He also said his company is “making implanting humans with microchips acceptable by bringing it to the forefront by getting people talking about it”.
This much is true. People are talking about, because it’s terrifying to people that don’t understand the technology.
Rest assured, the paranoia is unnecessary as it’s based on bullshit claims such as their current development of an implantable GPS microchip powered by body heat and another with voice recognition.
1. Microchips are NOT GPS
2. Microchips DO NOT store personal information about you other than a string of digits.
3. There is no such thing as a GPS microchip
4. Microchips are much too large to be implanted in any living thing.
A GPS chip (not to be confused with a microchip) is much too large to be implanted into an elephant- let alone a small kitten and it requires an EXTERNAL power source or piezoelectric nanogenerator technology activated by kinetic energy to work- however, neither of which are small enough to be implanted into any living thing. Further, anything implanted into the body of a dog, cat or human has to get FDA approval- which takes years, millions of dollars, and real scientists to develop. It would also be contested by many.
Fair Analysis…
I was interested to learn more about their actual microchips so I then went to their website and accessed the link on the first page that says Heard about us in the news? want to learn more about our micro technologies HERE! There was no documentation of the sort. There was no spec sheet like the one Peeva clearly provides.
Fair questions…
What is the frequency of their microchips?
Who is manufacturing their microchips and where are they getting them from?
Are they ICAR certified? You can read about the importance of an ICAR certification here.
Did they reverse engineer Avid’s scanners? Will any pet owner with a pet that is implanted with an avid microchip be able to get into their building?
Their rice sized microchips are first off encrypted like the ones offered by the Avid brand. They also look the EXACT SAME.
in summary:
- There is no GPS tracking microchip for a dog. Dog GPS tracking microchips do not exist as they rely on external power.
- GPS is much too large to implant into an animal of any kind.
- There are no pet GPS tracking microchips
- There are no GPS tracking microchips for cats
- Can I put a GPS chip in a dog? no
- Can I put a GPS chip in a cat? no
- Do they have dog chips with GPS? no
- Where can I have a GPS microchip implanted in my dog? Nowhere
- Where can I get an escape alert microchip? nowhere